

2017-09-27    1934

英国林肯大学艺术学院首席讲师——Dave Bramston带领他的艺术研究生:Steve Nash、 Sue Radic、 Paul Bowen 和 Sam Parr一行五人来到贵州大学美术学院,与学院师生合作,进行为期10天的插画和时尚印制工作坊活动。

【工作坊内容】中国学生创作本土植物素描、 制定各种植物图案印刻方案、 将图案拓印在不同布料上、 将印有图案的布料制作成服装成品。


MA International Design Enterprise students Steve Nash, Sue Radic, Paul Bowen and Sam Parr and Principal Lecturer Dave Bramston from the University of Lincoln collaborated on a design illustration, print and fashion workshop with Guizhou University students and staff.

The workshop involved the U.K. and Chinese students initially sketching plants in the grounds of Guizhou University and then formulating a variety of design proposals that were cut into wood. The wooden blocks were subsequently used to print various fabrics and for the construction of a clothing collection created in-house and on the street.

CHANGING ATTITUDES because the project looks to create a local street fashion collection using limited resources. It is therefore a low carbon project and reflects changing attitudes to design and the environment. In addition this the project brings diverse cultures together to work as collaborative teams and reflect changing attitudes to design. Finally the project brings mixed disciplines together and moves away from traditional practices of teaching single discipline groups. 'Changing' therefore represents our minds and our clothes.